Why have they still not found their happiness?
Paws United Charity is excited to announce the launch of their second ad campaign sponsored by the MTR to raise awareness for rescue animals, highlighting that every rescue animal – no matter what age, breed or size – deserves a chance to be rescued into a loving home.
The campaign is endorsed by animal-loving celebrities, Joyce Cheng and Alfred Hui, for the second year in a row. They have joined together to support the charity’s call-to-action of rescuing and adopting animals in need. The campaign ad features the celebrities with 4 rescue animals (Cory, Karl, Stacey and Karen) from Paws United that are looking for homes, each with their reason of why they are left behind, and why people should consider adopting animals like them.
Paws United Charity 很榮幸地宣佈推行第二個由港鐵贊助的廣告活動,以提高大眾對拯救動物的意識,提醒大家每一隻被拯救的動物 — 無論任何年紀品種或體型 — 都值得一個被拯救和尋家的機會。
這次活動由愛動物的藝人鄭欣宜和許廷鏗二度聯手合作,一起支持和呼籲慈善機構的救助行動。而宣傳廣告的主角,我們誠邀了兩位藝人和四隻被 Paws United 拯救後需要尋家的動物 (Cory,Karl,Stacey和 Karen) 。每一隻都有他們為什麼被遺棄和我們應該給一個幸福的機會。
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