Aerial footage of the facility showing horrific living conditions the animals were subject to. 航拍鏡頭下毛孩所面對的惡劣生存環境。
In April 2019, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) led a two-day operation, rescuing more than a hundred dogs and cats suffering from extreme neglect in a ramshackle shelter called “Stray Wonderland” in Ta Kwu Ling, New Territories.
You may recall the grim details of the dismal conditions these animals were kept in, described as a rubbish-strewn facility in a “sea of urine and faeces” alongside decomposing carcasses of the less fortunate. Many of these rescues who had survived the distressing ordeal were malnourished and emaciated, having not been provided adequate food nor clean drinking water.
Since the rescue, the AFCD has relocated the rescued animals to their kennels, and after a few months of care, rehabilitation and TLC, these dogs and cats are now ready for loving new homes.
Paws United Charity has been nominated as the sole charity to help with rehoming these brave souls into forever homes, where they would be a part of a loving family. After all they have been through, these furry warriors deserve love, comfort and happiness.
We are keen to get in touch with potential parents for these doggy rescues. They are approximately 1-7 years old, both male and female. Or, if you are unable to provide a forever home, we are accepting donations that will go towards operations in supporting them to find one. Every little bit of help goes a long way.
Help us help the animals leave the kennels, and into the forever homes that they deserve.
Please visit our donation page for donation details via HSBC bank transfer, PayMe, PayPal or Simply Giving.
Any questions, please email us at hello@pawsunited.org.hk
或者你尚有印象,當時這些毛孩所處的環境極其惡劣。套用媒體的說法,這些毛孩身處於由「 尿液及糞便汪洋」,以及其他不幸離世的毛孩逐漸腐朽的屍體所組成的垃圾場中。
Paws United Charity 作為唯一被指定的慈善機構,將會協助這些充滿勇氣的可愛靈魂尋找長居之所,讓牠們成為家中的一分子。經歷過上述一切,這些毛茸茸的戰士值得重新被愛,得到撫慰、安慰和幸福。
你可以到捐款頁面了解HSBC銀行轉帳、PayMe、PayPal、Simply Giving等捐款方式的詳情。
如有任何問題,歡迎透過 hello@pawsunited.org.hk 與我們聯絡。
References 參考 :
• https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3008003/animal-shelter-nightmare-rescue-continues-new
• https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3007965/decomposing-bodies-dogs-and-cats-found-new-territories